Uncover the history of the little-known Erotic Lifestyle Products Company

Diana 2023-11-30

Sex toys

Sex toys have evolved over time

Although many rulers in ancient China practiced sexual confinement and sexual closure on their people, we should not think that the ancient Chinese society was very closed and conservative when it came to sexual issues, just as foreigners have always thought that Chinese people are all men with long pigtails and women with wrapped feet. In fact, during the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods in China, people did not regard sexual boudoirs as private and could talk about them openly, even when discussing state affairs at court. In the Han Dynasty, sex was regarded as a private matter between men and women and was not discussed openly, but it was not regarded as a scandal either.

Tang Dynasty

During the Tang Dynasty, sexual practices were more open. However, it was not until after the Song Dynasty and Song and Ming Dynasty that Chinese society practiced eight hundred years of sexual confinement and closure, which could not be restrained even superficially and practically. To summarize the history of China, the Chinese people have been deeply influenced by Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism: Confucianism believes that sex is human nature and need; Buddhism believes that most of the gods and buddhas are of both sexes, and Taoism goes even further, believing that male-female interactions are the yin and yang of immortality.

Some of the ancient books on sex that have been passed down to modern times in China were already very advanced in their content at that time. It should be said that the sex culture of ancient China, in general, was characterized by multi-level and multi-faceted, very rich and complex, but also convoluted. Sex cannot be forcibly suppressed. If the need for nature is suppressed, the result can only be extreme and possibly pathologically reinforcing.

Ancient Greek Era

The recorded data of dildos in writing originates from the times of the ancient Greek society, when their merchants developed the ability to sell goods called "Olisbos". There are stone, leather, and wood, there is a documentary basis for us to believe that "Olisbos" buyers are mainly single women, in fact, did not get to solve the environmental problem of the conclusion is expected, until China today to learn this theoretical point of view is still widely used and accepted (dildos for single women only sex tools). (the dildo is a sexual instrument exclusively for single women). But for today's needs we also know that dildos have come to be widely loved by both sexes.


So let's go to Renaissance Italy, where "Olispos" became the "Dilettante" of satisfied Italians. Diletto is not as comfortable as modern dildos, except for the high content of oleander oil as a lubricant. Today's booming adult industry proves that the artificial penis is still deeply rooted in people's hearts and minds and continues to grow in popularity.

The 19th century

The world's first artificial penis made of rubber was introduced in the mid-1800s. Today's rubber penises are more comfortable and endearing than any known artificial penis. Vibrators were first used in the Victorian era, when they were used for mental disorders on the advice of doctors. The term "hysteria" comes from the Greek hystera, a misconception that the "womb" was the source of insanity and disturbance. In those days, women were considered to have no need for sex, and using a vibrator for sexual pleasure was considered shameful. However, as the massaging function of the oscillator was accepted by the public, it became more and more popular in the market.

The Twentieth Century

In the first half of the twentieth century, as oscillators began to appear in early pornographic films,vibratir for women it became increasingly notorious in the 1940s, leading to a sharp decline in the number of advertisements for such products.

Iterations in the technological development of sex toys 

The history of the development of sex toys spans the history of the development of human society and civilization building, from ancient Egypt to ancient China, from the courtly dignitaries to the common people and the general public, all of them have a history of their own business of sex toys. With the development of information technology continues to progress, each generation of erotic toys have very different student characteristics.

The first generation of sex toys

First Generation Sex Toys: Bee Power Sex Toys - The Magic of Nature

You read that right! Sighing and marveling at the magic of nature, would I tell you that this is Cleopatra's invention? This strange girl hollows out a gourd or bitter gourd and stuffs it with bees. After inserting it into her vagina, Cleopatra obtains sexual fulfillment with the vibrations of the densely packed bees inside the cavity. Cleopatra, are you so brave that your descendants can't keep up?

Second Generation Sex Toys

Second Generation Sex Toys: Human Sex Toys - The Wisdom of the Ancients

Sex toys were widely used in ancient China, firstly for entertaining couples, and secondly for expressing women who suffered from severe sexual repression and hunger. It often appeared in sex novels and erotic paintings during the Qing Dynasty, such as The Flesh Pope Troupe and The Plum in the Golden Vase.hands free clit massager In ancient times there were even vendors who sold Mr. Jiao (because of his long elephant horns) and silver saucers (to enhance a man's hardness). Many women bought them home and enjoyed them with their husbands. These ancient musical instruments added a lot of spring to the ancient Chinese boudoir. It was truly a late night spring couch.

Third Generation Erotic Toys

The third generation of erotic toys: steam-powered erotic toy products were introduced

Turn around, everyone knows that Watt invented the steam engine, but how do you know what Mr. Watt did with his sex toys! The production of steam power greatly contributed to the development of sex toys. Although at the time, sex toys had a medical name and were known as "masseuses". The Female Hysteria was created to free the tired hands of American masseurs. Remember the name of this "genius" inventor: George Taylor. George Taylor.

The Fourth Generation of Sex Toys

The fourth generation of sex toys: the emergence of the electric massager - the most sexual of all electric toys!

With the introduction of the Hamilton brand of electric massagers, the fifth category of household appliances, the electric massager succeeded in transforming electricity into "sexual pleasure" for people. It may look like a hair dryer now, but it's a big step up from the latest version of steam technology,remote controlled vibrators and it's at least big enough to fit in a school bag!

The Fifth Generation of Sex Toys

Fifth Generation Erotic Toys:Battery Operated Erotic Toys - Feel the Unrestricted Pleasure!

Young adults of the 60's should have a lot to thank China for the use of battery management technology, because for themselves finally we can just throw away the wires and have fun without restraint! Naughty love toys jump into the couple's backpack, followed by raising them through the common conquest of the beautiful beaches, secluded forest ...... Everywhere left love couples love secrets.

"Sex for food, sex for sex", sex toys have thousands of years of cultural heritage and development, different times play a different role, the product from a single "function" to the pursuit of "pleasure ", from "single" to "double" use, more and more people are turning to sex toys army, create inventions, for human sexual happiness, we also believe that, with the openness and progress of thought, sex toys for human feelings and sexual life will become more and more important. We also believe that with the openness and progress of thought, the role of sex toys on human feelings and sex life will be more and more, so that people experience better comfort and pleasure of sexual feelings, is the fundamental significance of the existence of sex toys.