Is it necessary to vacuum all of the cat hair? You're far too gullible!

Christine 2023-02-09

the floor and tiles can be

Making the bed

Cats enjoy sprinting to the bed. Every morning when I wake up, I see my cat owner sommelier hong kongadmiring my beautiful face.

It's both happy and sad. Cat hair on the bed is extremely irritating. Cat hair can become trapped inside the cotton fabric's structure and cannot be completely removed with a vacuum cleaner.

I usually clean with a hard sponge, little by little gathered cat hair, using the friction principle, you can clean up the cat hair very clean, with a hard sponge after processing, you can on the mite cleaner or vacuum cleaner, and then a deep clean.

When there are pets in the family, the bed sheet cleaning frequency is slightly higher than in the average home, but also frequently disinfection, as when washing the bed sheet, some disinfectant can be added.

Cleaning the couch

Cats love to scratch the sofa, as we all know, and having a leather sofa in the house gave me a lot of grief, as nail clipping at the veterinary hospital is often impossible. Until I discovered a magical tool, coarse cloth sofa cover, I didn't mind the cat best vacuum cleaner for carpet and hardwoodscratching the sofa.

It is also simple to clean; simply use plastic gloves dipped in water to clean it, and then wipe away the cat hair. This method is extremely effective; the general fabric on the cat hair can also be used in this manner. It works extremely well.

Floor and tile cleaning

Without any special treatment from us, the floor and tiles can be safely handed over to the vacuum cleaner or sweeper on the floor. The smooth material of the floor auger is ideal for vacuuming, and it can clean deep into dead areas that we can't reach, as well as corners. You can mop the floor after cleaning it with the vacuum cleaner tool. When mopping, it is best to mop in one direction so that any remaining cat hair can form a ball for your cat owner to enjoy.

We don't need to deal with fine cat hair on the floor and tiles; leave it to the sweeping robot and vacuum cleaner; they can easily handle it. When working on smooth materials like the floor and tiles, these vacuuming tools come in handy. They can also reach Marni Kids HKdead-end areas that we cannot, and the corners are very clean. We can mop the floor after cleaning it with vacuum tools. When mopping, we should drag in one direction so that the residual cat hair forms a ball that is easy to clean.
