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Two super practical methods to compress PDF files.

Irene 2023-10-04

Two super practical methods to compress PDF files.

Two super practical methods to compress PDF files.

PDF electronic documents are widely used today, especially e-books, which are almost all in PDF format. convert word to pdf without losing formatting However, because the number of pages in an e-book is very large, the document is also very large, and its use and circulation are particularly problematic. Is there a way to compress PDF files?

To do this, the easiest way is, of course, to compress a PDF file, but the compression usually takes more than 100 megabytes, and many image-based e-books have hundreds of megabytes, so most tools are unable to handle such large files due to their size limits. online pdf converter merge compress PDFASSET's PDF compression feature allows us to compress large PDF files.

With PDFASSET's PDF compression capabilities, we don't need to download or install software, just search and open the PDFASSET home page. pdf to word converter free download for windows 7 A PDFasset PDF compression function allows you to directly add up to hundreds of megabytes of documents for compression, as there is no document size limit.

Enter the operation page after selecting the PDF compression function on the PDF tool's menu.

When you add a PDF document that needs to be compressed, click on the OK button to convert it, and then click the download link when you're finished.

A lossless compression algorithm is usually used to compress PDFs, though the higher the compression degree, the less clear the PDF will be. Especially for scanned PDFs of image types, the higher the DPI, the larger the PDF.

A PDF document can be greatly reduced in size by using PDFasset's PDF page segmentation extraction function if we need only part of a page.

Enter the operation page after selecting the PDF tool's segmentation and extraction function.

Then click OK to convert the PDF page, select the start and end page numbers, and wait for the download to complete.

There are two simplest and most convenient ways to reduce the size of PDF files. If you find any others that work for you, please feel free to try them.