A guide to repairing and maintaining blinds: make window coverings look new again

Beata 2024-01-06

knowledge-blinds maintenance program

People get headaches. Seemingly simple shutters, repair is about the gate, so how to start repairing shutters, kids I can tell you a convenient way!

Not to be ignored blinds maintenance knowledge - first understand the structure of the blinds.

The main elements of the structural design of the shutters include window leaf tie rod, left end beam,shutter window support beam, window leaf, tie rod, right end beam, front side beam, back side beam, middle beam, rivets, pin bushings, quick to carry out the installation of pins, connecting rods, pins, pin holders, manual control rods and so on. Blinds can be constructed to give people a headache is characterized by a component part more, but through the assembling technology work ability is relatively easy to adopt.

Don't ignore the maintenance knowledge-blinds maintenance program

Step 1:First of all, we should confirm the failure and damage degree of the blinds, and then develop an accurate maintenance program. Also known as preparation. Getting your toolbox ready before starting work is essential.

Step 2: Close the blinds and tilt the blades horizontally.sheer fabric Secure the end of the rope to the inside of the lower rail. If the lower rail is made of wood, the knotted end of the rope is simply nailed to the end of the strap. If the lower rail is metal, then pull out the lower rail spring box cover and clip to reveal the knotted wire rope. Unknot the other end of the rope and tie the end of the new rope to this end. Then tie the two ends together tightly.

Step 3:Gently pull the old rope and pull the new rope through the blade here, over the top and through the control pulley. Leaving extra rope for the new pulling rope, continue pulling the rope down so that it passes through the blades on the side of the pulling rope.

Step 4: When the end of the new rope for knotting can reach the lower rail, let go of the old rope and set it straight aside on its own side, then cut off the top of the society with no excess rope. Knot each end of the new rope,green fabric securing the new rope in the same way some previous businesses secured the old rope. Replace the spring system box cover on the lower rail, remove the band clips from the old pull rope, and install them on the new rope. Utilize the band clip to adjust as well as the length of the rope until the blinds can work smoothly developed using the blinds.

Maintenance of blinds can not be ignored knowledge - blinds in use in the notes

Try to keep the blinds hanging down naturally during the day, and do not pull the blinds up and down too often. Pulling the white pull strap on the right side of the shutter can control the shutter to move up and down. If the shutter is not horizontal from left to right, you can pull a single white pull strap to adjust it. Be sure to keep the shutter horizontal when pulling it up and down or it will easily wear out the cord of the shutter.

If the shutter is to be closed during the day, rotate the plastic rod on the left side of the shutter toward the left so that the outside of the shutter goes down toward the inside. If the blinds are to be closed at night, rotate the plastic rod on the left side of the blind toward the right so that the outside of the blind is up and the inside is down. To clean the blinds, close them and wipe them with a chicken feather duster or soft cloth.

Daily life will inevitably encounter blinds failures, so master some of the blinds repair knowledge, which seems quite necessary, so that you have a headache repair work will become simple, no need to worry about this again. Of course, I remind you, in the maintenance time, must need to pay attention to safety, because the sharpness of the window leaves beyond your imagination.

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