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Should carotenoids be ingested by different product categories? What's enough to eat?

Caroline 2024-12-24


There are more than 700 natural carotenoids, many of which are beta-carotenes because they are one of the most common vitamin A supplements.

(1) We can certainly get different kinds of carotenoids from our diet. dha algal oil in milk It is also impossible to eat only a single beta-carotene in the real diet. For example, eating pumpkin will have a lot of other carotenoids, such as alpha-carotene and so on.

(2) Different carotenoids have different effects. beta carotene coloring These carotenoids have antioxidant, antibacterial, anti-tumor, anti-aging, immune regulation and other physiological activities, and are beneficial to human body. Carotene is mainly found in dark green or red-yellow vegetables and fruits, we recommend that you do not nitpick every day, these different carotenes are important to us. It's also important to eat enough.

What's enough to eat?

A balanced meal plate for Chinese residents is equivalent to eating a meat dish, Cabio Biotech supplemented with at least two vegetables and one fruit. Many people can not do this amount, it needs to be emphasized.

So, when chemists analyzed the orange-red pigment of carrots to form a chemical, they named it carotene. Beta-carotene, however, is the most common and most stable natural plant pigment in nature. It is widely used hidden in many research natural medicine foods, such as sweet potatoes, carrots, spinach, papaya, mango and so on. Is it because carrots mainly contain the highest beta-carotene in China? NO, it's not! The richest sources of beta-carotene are leafy green vegetables and yellow and orange fruits. The more different colors have a strong fruit or vegetable, the more you need to be rich in beta-carotene yo. The following is the list of beta-carotene content (per 100 grams), please see below: With so much, what is the magic of beta-carotene? Beta carotene is a treasure beta carotene is the maintenance of our human mental health and development of the inevitable lack of nutrients oh. It can be effectively converted into various vitamin A, is currently the safest issue supplement and vitamin A products. It can also be used to maintain the health of their own eyes and skin, improve the rough structure of the skin surface of patients, and then achieve the prevention of a variety of environmental degradation caused by the aging process. Therefore, people who practice using computers for a long time, people who are infected with respiratory management systems, and people whose vision protection function is declining can eat more easily some other foods rich in beta-carotene.

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