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The role of wireless transmission module in the era of IoT.

nicole 2023-03-28

The role of wireless transmission module in the era of IoT.

Wireless communication module is the key link in the IoT concept to connect the IoT sensing layer and network layer. Among these modules, the role of cellular communication module is to carry the data interaction from end to cloud platform through WAN, which is the channel for user data transmission and one of the core components of IoT terminal.

The data communication between the end and the platform is realized through the module, which mainly has AT command mode and data transmission mode.

1.AT command mode.

AT command mode means that the host sends AT command to the module through the serial port to iot wifi module send the terminal data ("10") to the module group, and then sends it to the module through the module. If the AT command is sent successfully, an answer (SNEDOK) will be given. After the module is sent, the module responds to the main controller through the serial port to send completion; the platform sends data ("01") to the module, and the module sends it to the main controller through the serial port to realize the operation of the opposite end. Successful sending of AT command will be responded.

2. Data transmission mode.

That is, the master controller sends data ("10") to the module through the serial port, and then sends it to the platform through the module. After the transmission is completed, the platform sends data to the module, and the module sends it to the main controller through the serial port to realize the operation of the opposite end.

There is no need to send special commands to transfer data. It is natural to send the corresponding AT commands to the module through the master controller to configure, for example, the platform address, turn on the transmission mode, etc. It is important to note that it is best to add information such as data length and checksum in the transmissive mode to prevent problems such as packet loss and to exit the transmissive mode for troubleshooting when the device communicates abnormally.

As the name implies, the transparent transmission module is the transparent transmission module. Transparent transmission means that regardless of the business transmitted, it is only responsible for transmitting the business that needs to be transmitted to the target node, which is equivalent to a data line or serial line, encapsulating the data through the module TCP/IP protocol stack, and then uploading the data to the cloud platform through the network, without processing the transmitted business.

The connection of things in the Internet of Things era, to achieve data transmission of intelligent devices need to rely on the power of wireless transmission module to achieve the exact same length and content of the sender and receiver data, without any processing of data, only transparent data transmission, can be widely used in energy and electricity, automatic meter reading, smart city, industrial automation, vehicle traffic, environmental monitoring, equipment monitoring, modern agriculture, etc. many industries.

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