The best way to kill pests in potting soil

Becky 2023-12-14

insect killer

The best way to kill pests in potting soil

Growing flowers at home has become an option for many families, but it is inevitable that you will encounter problems with pests during the maintenance process. Plants affected by pests grow slowly and even die in severe cases.SPRITEX insect killer supplier Therefore, it is an effective way to kill pests while taking care of flowers on a daily basis. Next, we will introduce the best way to control pests by solarization of potting soil, the use of mediciness and high temperature pest control methods, etc., and compare the best way to control pests by solarization of potting soil.

1. Exposure of potting soil

Empty the soil and spread it out in a place where direct sunlight can pass through.RAMBO insect killer manufacturer Exposing the soil to the sun for a few days before use can effectively kill eggs, germs, and other pests in the soil.

2. Use of medicines

In addition to sun exposure, the use of insecticides is very effective,Chinese VITFE Insecticide spray the medicines can directly kill the bacteria in the pot, reduce the production of bacteria and mold. mediciness can be used after the emergence of pests, but also when planting flowers with soil, soil sprinkled with more chlorothalonil powder. Even if it is mixed in the soil, it can prevent pests from occurring from the roots.

3. High temperature kills pests

High temperature can also kill most of the germs and insect eggs in the soil. Scald the potting soil with hot water and let it dry before use, or microwave it for half a minute to a minute. High temperature insecticide can only kill most of the germs and eggs, and a few germs and eggs, so according to the insecticide effect, the best way to kill insects in potting soil should be medicines insecticide. Because the medicines is not only direct and effective, but also can curb the pests from the root cause, without the need to pour out the potting soil in the sun or heat, which can save a lot of trouble, high efficiency and less time.