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In the context of the rapid development of e-commerce, online payment is very important!

Gillian 2023-03-16

In the context of the rapid development of e-commerce, online payment is very important!

Online payment refers to the payment interface between third-party payment companies and financial management software bank e-commerce websites. The third-party payment companies integrate most of the domestic bank interfaces.

Users pay by clicking on the corresponding bank, and the payment can be completed with the e-commerce site transactions, safe and convenient.

Offline payments are payments made directly from one's bank account to another bank account.

Through, double stem payment, etc. are third-party payment companies that payment platforms for websites specialize in providing cash payment methods for online shopping sites.

If we buy something on a website, when it comes to payment, we need to choose how to pay.

Choose one of them can jump to the payment page of these companies, ask to enter the relevant account information to pay, and then jump back to the e-commerce site after payment. This is the online payment method.

What are the features of the online payment gateway: 

1. Convenience. Multi-bank interface, convenient for each bank cardholders in the absence of any one time we can pay the seller through the third-party payment service platform payment development channel.

2. Fast real-time feedback of payment results to speed up the flow of funds for merchants.

3. Security. Electronic information commerce website for online payment system interface, the need for students to submit relevant supporting documents development to apply, which provides a certain degree of protection to the payer.

It's also true that you can't rule out the possibility of a business running away due to mismanagement and the appearance of

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