Introduce 7 kinds of insects that come into the house on humid days as part of the insect prevention strategy.

SERENA 2024-02-05

Introduce 7 kinds of insects that come into the house on humid days as part of the insect prevention strategy.

Wet weather can be troublesome for mosquitoes. fly killer You don't even know what damp insects are afraid of, and you don't even know their names. What kind of insects would you expect in a damp home? What are the ways to get rid of insects? Ask your decorator!

On wet days, insects tend to appear

Insects can carry bacteria or pathogens, cockroach insecticide spray and humans can become infected by touching them or being bitten by them.

The gnat

On humid days, mosquito killer introduce 7 types of insects that come into the house.

It's common to find black flies in damp bathrooms, grease traps, walls near gutters, or dark, damp, unventilated corners, cabinets, and baseboards.

A caterpillar's larva looks like a butterfly's adult, covered with hair.

Within 14 days of becoming an adult

A swatting of black flies can spread bacteria into the air because they feed on decaying organic matter and thrive in cement-contaminated areas. As a result, they carry bacteria and pathogens that can cause infections. The moth black fly can also cause airway allergies, asthma, and other allergic diseases after weathering and mixing with dust, so it should be cleaned thoroughly after insecticide.

In order to prevent moths from entering through pipes, place bug shields or nets in bathtubs and drains. Wash or spray regularly with bleach. Keep dry and ventilated.

Cockroaches from Germany

On humid days, introduce 7 types of insects that come into the house.

Location of cockroaches: microwave oven, refrigerator, washing machine, hand washing dishes under a dark warm light

The appearance is brown, and the size is small

The lifespan of an adult is between 100 and 200 days.

A cockroach loves processed foods and carries pathogens. Food exposed to cockroaches can cause food poisoning, vomiting and diarrhea in humans, as well as rashes, sneezing, and other reactions.

Research method for controlling German cockroaches: Before entering the house, packaging of furniture and goods should be thrown away.

To kill cockroaches, some pest control experts suggest using a mixture of 1:1 sugar and edible soda (or borax) in the kitchen, which takes advantage of the local cockroaches' sweet tooth.

Three. Mosquitoes

Introduce 7 kinds of insects that come into the house when it is humid.

In flower pots, water dishes, and other places, mosquitoes are seen, and they stop in the shadows cast by wardrobes and curtains.

Foot appearance: Long, thin, with puncture suction

It takes about 15-30 days for an adult to reach adulthood.

It is mosquitoes' job to harass insects. In addition to making people's skin swollen and itchy due to their blood-sucking habits, mosquito species will also spread epidemics such as malaria, dengue fever, Japanese encephalitis, Zika virus, etc., causing illness and even death.

To prevent breeding, water frequently, wash and scrub containers, keep them dry and ventilated.

The presence of fleas

On humid days, introduce 7 kinds of insects that come into the house.

Spots on furry animals and carpets caused by fleas

Approximately 0.1 mm long, brown and black, with three pairs of legs.

The life expectancy of an adult is about 50 days, and if there is no host, it dies

This blood-sucking insect prefers warm, humid environments. Fleas are excellent jumpers and love warm, humid environments. They can cause animal skin allergies, hair removal, and serious anemia if they bite. Human skin will appear red, swelling, itching, and other allergic reactions when there is no suitable host or a large number of people bite.

In addition to transmitting typhus, atopic dermatitis in cats and dogs, tapeworms, and other parasites, fleas are important vectors of transmission.

Preventative and treatment methods: Regularly clean carpets, furniture, floors, cushions on furniture, and other crevices with a vacuum cleaner. Each week, wash the pet bedding, which should be at a temperature above 60°C, and use a flea comb to check for fleas.