Teach you the correct way to brew locket coffee

Snowy 2023-02-09

Teach you the correct way to brew locket coffee

It's time to start work again after the year, and a cup of coffee after work is a daily run for many people. And hanged ear coffee with its unique taste, more and more by everyone's favorite. However, many friends brewing hanging ear coffee method are problematic, no wonder some people complain that they buy very expensive hanging ear wireless vacuum cleaner manufacturer taste but not good ...... Then, the following types of wrong brewing method you have been hit?

Mistake 1: Hanging ear coffee as instant coffee, directly pour the cup to stir open to drink ......

Mistake 2: soak the hanging ear bag in the water, like making tea bags ......

Mistake 3: When the water is boiling, fill it with water at once, regardless of the water temperature ......

Mistake 4: regardless of the water cup in the sand hole, a bag punch a cup, regardless of the amount of water ......

The above four wrong methods are often encountered among friends who have just tried hanging ear coffee, such wrong methods of brewing the coffee to be less acidic, to be less bitter, to be less light, to be not too thick ......

The following begins to demonstrate: the correct method of brewing hang-ear coffee (to 10g coffee bag as an example)

Step 1: Remove the bag, put out the lugs and fix them on the water cup

Why is it called "hanging ear"? It is the bag on the development of 2 small hooks, to put the coffee bag in the cup! Note that the size of the cup should be selected to suit.

(1) the total width of the cup mouth to ensure that the coffee bag can row firmly.

(2) cup deep to ensure that the lower edge of the coffee bag can hold at least 150ml of water (I take 10g of coffee bag as an example), then the volume of the cup should be at least 300ml.

Step 2: 1st water filling

The purpose of the 1st water injection is to allow the coffee powder to simmer and steam, moisten and activate the aroma. Note three points.

(1) The amount of water injected is about 30ml (one-fifth), not too much.

(2) Control the water temperature. Can not use 100 degrees of boiling water brewing, my experience is to control between 80-90 degrees, the taste is the best.

(3) Pay attention to the strength. Should be a long spout teapot, gently along the edge of the bag gently inject water, do not use the water dispenser directly to fill!

Step 3: 2nd water injection

Water injection 2 times with 10 seconds interval, this time about 60ml (half of the remaining capacity), pay attention to the strength: gently coffee capsule inject water along the inside of the bag around.

Step 4: the third injection

The same method as the second injection. The total amount of water after three injections is controlled within the period of 150ml to 180ml, you can moderate the amount of water injection according to your favorite taste, but be careful that the water rushing in does not meet or directly soak into the coffee bag.

Finally, take out the lug bag and enjoy your own rich and mellow time!
