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Core payment features, recommended based on business and user realities!

Madison 2023-03-16

Core payment features, recommended based on business and user realities!

For local merchants, it is best to choose a small or medium-sized payment gateway with a good brand reputation and more friendly support for local banking, or even just the most popular local third-party payments.

If you choose a best payment gateway for small business that does not support international business well enough, the payment gateway may become a limiting factor when expanding your business in the future. We often see examples in our projects where customers need to change payment gateways because of this.

If your business or users are abroad, you need to understand their payment habits and provide localized payment methods that they prefer.

Choosing a payment gateway that packages together mainstream third-party mobile payments from various regions allows for one integration and multiple applications.

For the receiving business, priority is given to the receiving service of the payment gateway. This way, as a business only needs to deal with one payment gateway, you can save a lot of trouble in terms of process, technology, and communication.

Regarding the consideration of technical indicators, we must know that any payment involves the integration of multiple systems and it is normal for problems to occur.

Not only see the technical specifications promised on the official payment gateway website, but also sign a clear sla to protect your rights;

Add an effective monitoring and logging to your own system so that you can provide enough valuable information to help the corporate payment gateway troubleshoot and locate problems when they occur;

Test the stability of the payment gateway's interface and take appropriate measures when a payment gateway failure is detected;

Implement reasonable backup mechanisms, such as hiding the wrong payment gateway in a timely manner and switching to another payment gateway or third-party payment, to minimize its impact on business and users.

For various value-added functions, you are recommended to review them on an as-needed basis, and if they are not core business, they can be included in the delivery plan gradually as mvp out-of-scope.

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